Module 9 - F.A.R.M.M

Module 9 - F.A.R.M.M

  • Teacher
    Dr. Sassan Zabeti
  • Category
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    • (1476 Reviews)
Course Summery

F.A.R.M.M/ Personal Finance and Growth/ Financial Therapy/ Physical health

F.A.R.M.M: The course teaches a detailed analysis of Resource Management. Enterprise recourse management models are not anything new; they are strategies implanted by large companies to optimize the use of recourse of the Company. Here we teach students how to apply these models in their Family Alliance. The course also teaches how to form such Alliance.

The course will make the distinction between Time Management V Recourse Management

The course will also teach analytical techniques to help students make better decisions in the use of their resources. ( Scientific Method)

Personal Finance and Growth: Poverty is a disease; it is a mental block;

It talks much more than advice or a motivational book to cure it; it requires Therapy, small  incremental changes of mindset and behavior;

At ACM College not only we teach sound business concepts and ideas, but we also help our students go through a transformation that will turn them into machines who make better decisions. And yes we motivate them to do better, but also educate them to know what is better; most importantly will be there to Advocate on their behalf.

At ACM Colleg we believe success is not being wealthy – Success and Happiness sit on a three stand: Health, Wealth, and Legacy.

Finally, At ACM College, we train Micro-Entrepreneurs and Life Architects.

We will introduce the concept of Global Resources and collective knowledge

Financial Therapy: Course challenge, again, the Financial Advisors; by given Advise telling people the right way. Drug Rehabs, Persons, and Ethics teachers fall in the same mistake that educating and giving advice will solve the problem; yet drug Addict goes back to using, Convict ends back in Prison.

Here course will teach single step behavior modifications

It teaches binary choice selections model, where every single decision will go thru a yes or no; In other words, should I do this or that right now.

This is not a kind of therapy that you visit a therapist twice a week and come out depressed since now you are out  of two hundred dollars;

Physical health: The course will educate students on how not to fall  in fads and trends; It will point out a health Management plan as a lifestyle--  not just concentrating on losing the weight;

There will be a discussion of physiology and how the body consumes calories. It will discuss anti-aging scams versus true anti-aging techniques;

It will discuss free radicals and their effects on aging; This course is a rebuttal against all the quick money-making scams in the name of health and fitness;

We believe that without a reasonably healthy life structure,  monitory  success and happiness would be fleeting and meaningless; 

This is a part of or mantra: Health, wealth, and legacy. There pillars of holistic life fitness.

The course also will touch on the history of Fitness

Dr. Sassan Zabeti
PHD Accounting

Sassan Zabeti, CPA, MBA, MS has over twenty five years of diverse experience in tax, Accounting, business management, and consulting. He is a Certified Public Accountant. He also has earned two Master Degrees from University of Texas at Dallas: a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Master of Science in Accounting and Information Management (MS). And as a part of his continues commitment to learning, he is currently pursuing his Juris Doctor Degree. Over the course of past twenty five years he has held positions as a college professor, teaching accounting; as coordinator of CPA program, assuring compliance with Texas Board of Public Accountancy; as the chief financial officer of a multimillion dollar enterprise, planning growth and overseeing all financial affairs; as vice president of the largest fitness company in California, overseeing the operations, finance, and sales production of 12 large health clubs; as sales manager of one of the most prestigious automobile dealerships in the US, training the staff, meeting quotas, managing multimillion dollars inventory. As a result of his education and experience, he is able to give sound accounting, entrepreneurial, and business advice as well as build and manage a team of professionals and financial specialists.

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Course Features

  • Credit Hours : 2 Hours
  • Lectures : 32
  • Weeks : 16
  • Students : 4
Price : 100 Enroll Now